Monday, April 30, 2007

I've been TAGGED!

YIKES! Thank you Yolanda for thinking of me! Here we go... Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to blog about their seven things and post the rules as well. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog! 1 - I am a PROCRASTINATOR! I know, I know, it's hard to believe? Ha! I have always been one! I can't seem to break the habit, and, believe me I have tried! I leave most things to near the deadline and then I power blast through it! It always (most always) gets done. 2 - I am a TERRIBLE FRIEND! I rarely stay on top of correspondence, simple phone calls or a quick cup of coffee with my friends! Oh, sure I send the occasional funny through email to them. But, I don't give them that phone call, card or simple email that tells them 'I am thinking of YOU!' I must try harder! 3 - I am a CHICKEN! Bok-bok-bok! I don't take care of myself when it come to Doctors. I don't like the Dentist, although I have been going this last year. I need to go for a cleaning, but the PROCRASTINATOR in me will take over! I haven't even been for a check up (you know the one? And, don't start sending me threatening emails about it, either!) for a lot of years! I don't even have a regular Doctor. When I am really ill, I go to a Walk-in Clinic. Seriously, don't start harassing me about this! 4 - I am a HOARDER! Yah, who knew? If it's on sale, I won't just buy what I need, oh, no! I have to buy more and then just put it away. And there are no limits as to what I hoard; Fabric, Food, Scrapping supplies, toiletries etc. 5 - My HEART aches for my FAMILY! I have lived here for almost 14 years and, I didn't really give a whole lot of thought to the distance between us. I mean, I missed them and wished we were together for certain things, but, not like now. Now, I yearn for them to be closer, almost every day! I yearn to hang out with my Sister's, Deb & Wen. I CHERISH them! I appreciate their uniqueness, even if they don't!We have become such wonderful friends over the last few years. And, my MOM! Even though we cannot be together in close proximity for any length of time, I sooooooo miss her! And, I am very lucky because both Wendy and my Mom will be living here by then end of summer! Now to work on Debbie!!! 6 - I am a BITCH! For no apparent reason! Really, really! Especially with Kurt. We are not talking just a little bitchy, I mean FULL BLOWN angry eyes, loud yelling, possible tossing of items kinda BITCHY! And, no, I don't need PMS (pre or post) for an excuse! I am good at any day of the month! 7 - I FEAR being ALONE! All my life I have had misfortune along with good fortune! It has always been that way. I have a very REAL, very serious FEAR of loosing Kurt. Loosing him before we have had enough time together. I FEAR we will not grow old together. It is not just a thought once in a while, it is constant! And on that positive note, (kidding) I tag the following people to share; Wendy, Debbie, Megs, Kimba, Michelle, Robyn & Kathy. Even though none of you have Blogs, you can email them to me privately or you can post them right here in the response part of this post. Thanks for playing and have FUN!


Kelli said...

I wanted 7 random things I didn't already know!

Heather said...

Oh! But, other people don't know these things!
I will think of something special just for you!

Anonymous said...

7 Things is harder then I thought...Espescially when it turns out my Auntie Heather and I seem to share some serious traits! SO I'll try and not duplicate except wherever I absolutely must....

1. I too am a PROCASTINATOR. Not only am I supposed to be planning a wedding for next summer (don't ask how the plans are coming- that would insinuate I've started!) but also a sports tournament in memory of my Dad, annd guess what- thus far I've got an equal amount of "nothing" done on both!
2. I tend to get a little DEFENSIVE- whether I need to be or not. It would be better if I could just calmly respond to the less intelligent of the species- but instead- I feel the need to reinforce their stupidity!
3. I miss my Dad, in a ways I never imagined I would. I hate that it's easier to just not think about him- because it still hurts so much to think he's gone. It's also bothering me to realize I was only ever the most "me" I can be around him- everyone else gets the image I'm trying for (not all bad- one has to start somewhere when it comes to self improvement!)
4. I am also a Terrible Friend! I love them all but never call or visit.I am so grateful they accept this about me.
5. I TALK too much. What more can I say! NOT always a good thing- great if I meet someone who's not much of a talker I guess...otherwise...
6. I have what some might refer to as a SARCASTIC streak- I may have understated this- a little. Unfortunately, it's my dear sweet, compassionate Paul who bears the worst of it- I try not do that to him- but I've been doing it for so long- I almost don't know how not too!
7. Family is everything. It took me years to see the truth- but my Brother is my best friend (just like my parents always said) and when the whole world comes crashing down- you can bet your famuly (well- mine anyway) will be there to help you Shovel the mud!

Love you Auntie Heather- Thanks for making me think about this stuff- and more- Thanks for showing me we have a LOT in common (I thik if Paul read your BITCH line- he would think it was about he and I!)
Love you lots,

Dawn said...

Love it! Love your honesty!
let's just say, we've got a few things in common :-)

Cheryl said...

I can relate a lot to a few of these Heather! LOL (maybe it's that everyone ELSE is weird and we're just right)

Dawn said...


Just a reminder, you have a blog and it's time for an update.

your friends in cyberspace

Dawn said...

and I'll say it once more iwth feeling...


Anonymous said...

about all i can say is WOW, I think I have learnt more about what makes you tick today as i read your blog, than i have,or probably deserve, even if i am family,I guess as we have been more or less separated, for such a long time, and only now have i learned more about you , your feelings, your loves and passions,kindnesses and most of all ( as i have come to see)your dedication to family and friends. MOre or less I love what your are, plan to be, and glad that you and Kurt have come into my life. I only hope I am around for some time to come and that i can enjoy more time with you both. Keep up with all your plans. Uncle Ger