Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, April 6, 2008
This LADY ROCKS!!!!!
Well, SHE is surprising us all! She is doing soooooo well! She was walking and sitting in a chair both yesterday and today. She is so amazing! I wanted you to see for yourself so, here is a picture for you!
Check out the THUMBS UP! And yup, there is Neil on her shoulder, he insisted on coming to Victoria.
She loves you all! We thank EVERYONE for your prayers and well wishes.
I will keep everyone updated as time permits.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Friday is the day.
Time to Fly!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Hug your Mama!
I took my Mom to the Dr. this week as she was feeling out of breath for a few days. She didn't have a cold or the flu! Just couldn't catch her breath.
After 4 days in the hospital for some testing of sorts, it is NOT good!
Next week my Mom will have Triple By-Pass surgery!
No warnings, no typical signs of heart trouble, no chest pain, no real health issues of any kind as a matter of fact! She doesn't take medication for anything! Just multi vitamins. All she had was a few days of shortness of breath! And, yup, that is a sign of heart trouble. As a matter of fact, she actually experienced a mild heart attack!
You never know what tomorrow brings. And while your at it, let everyone who is important to you, KNOW that they are important to you! It's really easy! Trust me, I have been doing it forever!
Luv you Mum!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Filling Space?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I know, I know! It's about TIME...
But, then again, doesn't everything revolve around TIME?
I think a lot about TIME! How to spend it...how to use it...am I using it wisely...am I wasting it...is there enough of it...will there be some tomorrow...what TIME is it...is it TIME for lunch...TIME for a snack...do others think of TIME like me...will I have some for this...will I have some for that...will others have some for me...will I have some for others...will I find some...will I make some...will it get the better of me...will I get the better of it?
That's a mighty thought, isn't it?
All I know is that I MUST consider TIME every moment of my LIFE. And, so far, I'm doing okay! Well, in most areas anyway! I am spending TIME, making TIME and sharing TIME with those that matter most to me.
That makes me happy!
I guess I will forgo snack time for now!
This is the kind of rambling that happens when you are sleep deprived! And I have been in this state for over a week now. Too much in my head right now and I can't seem to get it sorted out. Dawn, Cheryl, does your company have any experience with this kinda' thing?
Note to self: Probably not a good idea to update Blog when in this state of deprivation.
Okay, right, I was to update my Blog.
So way back in December (2007) Christmas happened! It was great! Lots of family, food, friends, booze, laughing & entertainment! You name it, we had it! I would have to say that the most memorable moment of Christmas 2007 (and, there were many!!!) would have to be when my Uncle gave everyone a very special gift;

Then came New Year's! Also much family, friends, booze, food and just too much FUN!

Then shortly after, at the beginning of February Kurt & I went on our highly anticipated and much needed 2 week vacation in Playa del Carmen! It was glorious to say the least! We rented a luxury condo with our wonderful friends from 'Winter'peg. Needless to say that they needed this 'HOT' vacation more than us!
It was full of so many wonderful times, I can't begin to tell you! But, I must say the most exciting & exhilarating event for me was when I made my "BIG" baby step...I snorkeled! It was amazing on so many levels!
Long story short; I have a phobia about water. Big bodies of water! I can't, or rather couldn't put my face in water due to traumatic childhood experiences thanks to my loving siblings! And, well, I CAN'T swim!
So, this was a bigger than 'BIG', baby step for me! I am so proud of myself!
Next year's baby step; Learn to swim!

Friday, February 1, 2008
2, Count 'em, 2 MORE SLEEPS!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
TIME for ME!
Realistically speaking, I have been decorating, tree trimming and de-decorating since the beginning of November! So, it is sometimes hard for me to get into the decorating mode in my own home. But, I have started and little by little it will soon be Christmas at the Wallman Mountain Inn!
I have enjoyed helping my Mom with a wee bit of decorating at her new home too! It is all getting so exciting to have my Mom and Sister here permanently!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Almost Done!
Well, I am almost done! As always the Benvoulin Craft Show was a tremendous success! The early morning crowd was the start of a GREAT day!
I cannot express enough thanks to those of you who so generously and loyally supported this Fabulous Affair! But, from my heart;
A special Thanks goes out to Kelli for putting together yet another outstanding show! I don't think people realize (fellow crafters) just how much effort and time Kelli puts into this show so that we can all benefit. But, I do! And I thank you again!
And, after much request from you faithful-die-hard-craft sale junkies, (you know of whom I speak!) I have decided to oblige you and do an open house!
I have joined up with a fellow crafter, Loretta to offer you one final showing of the season! And like every year past, there will be something new that just didn't make it to the other shows!
So without further ado;
Christmas Craft Open House
Saturday December 1 st.
9 am - 3 pm
Corner of Hwy #33 & Springfield Road
(Function Junction)
If you need more info; 765-6541.
Hope to see you then!